The importance of respecting the dominant hand laterality of left-handed children

The importance of respecting the dominant hand laterality of left-handed children


Manual laterality is an innate and fundamental characteristic of human beings, and each individual develops a natural preference for using their right or left hand in their daily activities.

However, for left-handed children, this preference is often ignored or discouraged in a predominantly right-handed society.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of respecting the dominant hand laterality of left-handed children and how this can benefit their emotional, cognitive and social development.

  1. Valuing Individuality

Every child is unique, and laterality is just one of the many characteristics that make them different from each other.

Respecting a child’s left-handed preference is valuing their individuality and recognizing that they have their own skills and talents.

By embracing laterality diversity, we teach children to value their differences and the differences of others, promoting an environment of inclusion and acceptance.

  1. Cognitive and Motor Development

Hand laterality is directly related to a child’s cognitive and motor development. Forcing a left-handed child to use their right hand can lead to imbalances in the development of brain functions associated with laterality.

Respecting left-handed preference allows the child to develop their motor and cognitive skills naturally, which is essential for healthy and balanced growth.

  1. Development of Self-Esteem and Confidence

When a left-handed child is encouraged to use his or her dominant hand and is supported in his or her preferences, he or she develops greater self-esteem and self-confidence.

Feeling accepted and understood in their choices strengthens the child’s identity and ability to express themselves authentically.

This is crucial for building a positive self-image and facing future challenges with confidence.

  1. Academic Performance and Creativity

Forced adaptation to using the right hand can affect the academic and creative performance of left-handed children.

Writing and artistic expression are some of the activities that require fine skills, and dominant hand laterality can directly influence efficiency and fluency in these areas.

By respecting left-handed preference, children can explore their full potential and excel in their individual skills.

  1. Foster an Inclusive Society

Respecting the dominant hand laterality of left-handed children is not just an individual issue, but also a cultural and social change.

By creating an environment that values laterality diversity, we are fostering an inclusive and empathetic society, where everyone is respected in their uniqueness and contributions.


Respecting the dominant hand laterality of left-handed children is an important attitude to promote respect for individuality and healthy development.

By valuing each child’s natural preferences, we are strengthening their self-esteem, confidence and creativity, as well as cultivating a more inclusive and empathetic society.

It is the responsibility of parents, educators and society at large to create an environment that celebrates the diversity of handedness and allows all children to flourish in their unique abilities and talents.


A importância do respeito a preferência manual da criança canhota

Atividades que Desenvolvem Lateralidade

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