Today we’re talking about 13 problems that lefties have to deal with on a regular basis. The Left hand struggles. Hope this gave you a laugh. Stay tuned til the end for extra weirdness.
Today we’re talking about 13 problems that lefties have to deal with on a regular basis. The Left hand struggles. Hope this gave you a laugh. Stay tuned til the end for extra weirdness.
Situation : Au moment des repas, Mamanbayan (±16 mois) tient parfois sa cuillère avec sa main gauche, parfois avec sa main droite. Mieux comprendre pourquoi les jeunes enfants utilisent-ils
Scoperta l’origine genetica che fa preferire la sinistra Per la prima volta, gli scienziati hanno identificato le regioni del genoma che sono associate all’utilizzo della mano sinistra, e cioè al